/*! * Dialogs Manager v4.9.0 * https://github.com/kobizz/dialogs-manager * * Copyright Kobi Zaltzberg * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/kobizz/dialogs-manager/blob/master/LICENSE.txt */ (function($, global) { 'use strict'; /* * Dialog Manager */ var DialogsManager = { widgetsTypes: {}, createWidgetType: function(typeName, properties, Parent) { if (!Parent) { Parent = this.Widget; } var WidgetType = function() { Parent.apply(this, arguments); }; var prototype = WidgetType.prototype = new Parent(typeName); prototype.types = prototype.types.concat([typeName]); $.extend(prototype, properties); prototype.constructor = WidgetType; WidgetType.extend = function(typeName, properties) { return DialogsManager.createWidgetType(typeName, properties, WidgetType); }; return WidgetType; }, addWidgetType: function(typeName, properties, Parent) { if (properties && properties.prototype instanceof this.Widget) { return this.widgetsTypes[typeName] = properties; } return this.widgetsTypes[typeName] = this.createWidgetType(typeName, properties, Parent); }, getWidgetType: function(widgetType) { return this.widgetsTypes[widgetType]; } }; /* * Dialog Manager instances constructor */ DialogsManager.Instance = function() { var self = this, elements = {}, settings = {}; var initElements = function() { elements.body = $('body'); }; var initSettings = function(options) { var defaultSettings = { classPrefix: 'dialog', effects: { show: 'fadeIn', hide: 'fadeOut' } }; $.extend(settings, defaultSettings, options); }; this.createWidget = function(widgetType, properties) { var WidgetTypeConstructor = DialogsManager.getWidgetType(widgetType), widget = new WidgetTypeConstructor(widgetType); properties = properties || {}; widget.init(self, properties); return widget; }; this.getSettings = function(property) { if (property) { return settings[property]; } return Object.create(settings); }; this.init = function(settings) { initSettings(settings); initElements(); return self; }; self.init(); }; /* * Widget types constructor */ DialogsManager.Widget = function(widgetName) { var self = this, settings = {}, events = {}, elements = {}, hideTimeOut = 0, baseClosureMethods = ['refreshPosition']; var bindEvents = function() { var windows = [elements.window]; if (elements.iframe) { windows.push(jQuery(elements.iframe[0].contentWindow)); } windows.forEach(function(window) { if (settings.hide.onEscKeyPress) { window.on('keyup', onWindowKeyUp); } if (settings.hide.onOutsideClick) { window[0].addEventListener('click', hideOnOutsideClick, true); } if (settings.hide.onOutsideContextMenu) { window[0].addEventListener('contextmenu', hideOnOutsideClick, true); } if (settings.position.autoRefresh) { window.on('resize', self.refreshPosition); } }); if (settings.hide.onClick || settings.hide.onBackgroundClick) { elements.widget.on('click', hideOnClick); } }; var callEffect = function(intent, params) { var effect = settings.effects[intent], $widget = elements.widget; if ($.isFunction(effect)) { effect.apply($widget, params); } else { if ($widget[effect]) { $widget[effect].apply($widget, params); } else { throw 'Reference Error: The effect ' + effect + ' not found'; } } }; var ensureClosureMethods = function() { var closureMethodsNames = baseClosureMethods.concat(self.getClosureMethods()); $.each(closureMethodsNames, function() { var methodName = this, oldMethod = self[methodName]; self[methodName] = function() { oldMethod.apply(self, arguments); }; }); }; var fixIframePosition = function(position) { if (! position.my) { return; } var horizontalOffsetRegex = /left|right/, extraOffsetRegex = /([+-]\d+)?$/, iframeOffset = elements.iframe.offset(), iframeWindow = elements.iframe[0].contentWindow, myParts = position.my.split(' '), fixedParts = []; if (myParts.length === 1) { if (horizontalOffsetRegex.test(myParts[0])) { myParts.push('center'); } else { myParts.unshift('center'); } } myParts.forEach(function(part, index) { var fixedPart = part.replace(extraOffsetRegex, function(partOffset) { partOffset = +partOffset || 0; if (! index) { partOffset += iframeOffset.left - iframeWindow.scrollX; } else { partOffset += iframeOffset.top - iframeWindow.scrollY; } if (partOffset >= 0) { partOffset = '+' + partOffset; } return partOffset; }); fixedParts.push(fixedPart); }); position.my = fixedParts.join(' '); }; var hideOnClick = function(event) { if (isContextMenuClickEvent(event)) { return; } if (settings.hide.onClick) { if ($(event.target).closest(settings.selectors.preventClose).length) { return; } } else if (event.target !== this) { return; } self.hide(); }; var isIgnoredTarget = function(event) { if (! settings.hide.ignore) { return false; } return !! $(event.target).closest(settings.hide.ignore).length; }; var hideOnOutsideClick = function(event) { if (isContextMenuClickEvent(event) || $(event.target).closest(elements.widget).length || isIgnoredTarget(event)) { return; } self.hide(); }; var initElements = function() { self.addElement('widget'); self.addElement('header'); self.addElement('message'); self.addElement('window', window); self.addElement('body', document.body); self.addElement('container', settings.container); if (settings.iframe) { self.addElement('iframe', settings.iframe); } if (settings.closeButton) { if ( settings.closeButtonClass ) { // Backwards compatibility settings.closeButtonOptions.iconClass = settings.closeButtonClass; } const $button = $('
', settings.closeButtonOptions.attributes), $buttonIcon = $(settings.closeButtonOptions.iconElement).addClass(settings.closeButtonOptions.iconClass); $button.append($buttonIcon); self.addElement('closeButton', $button); } var id = self.getSettings('id'); if (id) { self.setID(id); } var classes = []; $.each(self.types, function() { classes.push(settings.classes.globalPrefix + '-type-' + this); }); classes.push(self.getSettings('className')); elements.widget.addClass(classes.join(' ')); }; var initSettings = function(parent, userSettings) { var parentSettings = $.extend(true, {}, parent.getSettings()); settings = { headerMessage: '', message: '', effects: parentSettings.effects, classes: { globalPrefix: parentSettings.classPrefix, prefix: parentSettings.classPrefix + '-' + widgetName, preventScroll: parentSettings.classPrefix + '-prevent-scroll' }, selectors: { preventClose: '.' + parentSettings.classPrefix + '-prevent-close' }, container: 'body', preventScroll: false, iframe: null, closeButton: false, closeButtonOptions: { iconClass: parentSettings.classPrefix + '-close-button-icon', attributes: {}, iconElement: '', }, position: { element: 'widget', my: 'center', at: 'center', enable: true, autoRefresh: false }, hide: { auto: false, autoDelay: 5000, onClick: false, onOutsideClick: true, onOutsideContextMenu: false, onBackgroundClick: true, onEscKeyPress: true, ignore: '' } }; $.extend(true, settings, self.getDefaultSettings(), userSettings); initSettingsEvents(); }; var initSettingsEvents = function() { $.each(settings, function(settingKey) { var eventName = settingKey.match(/^on([A-Z].*)/); if (!eventName) { return; } eventName = eventName[1].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + eventName[1].slice(1); self.on(eventName, this); }); }; var isContextMenuClickEvent = function(event) { // Firefox fires `click` event on every `contextmenu` event. return event.type === 'click' && event.button === 2; }; var normalizeClassName = function(name) { return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, function() { return arguments[1] + '-' + arguments[2].toLowerCase(); }); }; var onWindowKeyUp = function(event) { var ESC_KEY = 27, keyCode = event.which; if (ESC_KEY === keyCode) { self.hide(); } }; var unbindEvents = function() { var windows = [elements.window]; if (elements.iframe) { windows.push(jQuery(elements.iframe[0].contentWindow)); } windows.forEach(function(window) { if (settings.hide.onEscKeyPress) { window.off('keyup', onWindowKeyUp); } if (settings.hide.onOutsideClick) { window[0].removeEventListener('click', hideOnOutsideClick, true); } if (settings.hide.onOutsideContextMenu) { window[0].removeEventListener('contextmenu', hideOnOutsideClick, true); } if (settings.position.autoRefresh) { window.off('resize', self.refreshPosition); } }); if (settings.hide.onClick || settings.hide.onBackgroundClick) { elements.widget.off('click', hideOnClick); } }; this.addElement = function(name, element, classes) { var $newElement = elements[name] = $(element || '
'), normalizedName = normalizeClassName(name); classes = classes ? classes + ' ' : ''; classes += settings.classes.globalPrefix + '-' + normalizedName; classes += ' ' + settings.classes.prefix + '-' + normalizedName; $newElement.addClass(classes); return $newElement; }; this.destroy = function() { unbindEvents(); elements.widget.remove(); self.trigger('destroy'); return self; }; this.getElements = function(item) { return item ? elements[item] : elements; }; this.getSettings = function(setting) { var copy = Object.create(settings); if (setting) { return copy[setting]; } return copy; }; this.hide = function() { if (! self.isVisible()) { return; } clearTimeout(hideTimeOut); callEffect('hide', arguments); unbindEvents(); if (settings.preventScroll) { self.getElements('body').removeClass(settings.classes.preventScroll); } self.trigger('hide'); return self; }; this.init = function(parent, properties) { if (!(parent instanceof DialogsManager.Instance)) { throw 'The ' + self.widgetName + ' must to be initialized from an instance of DialogsManager.Instance'; } ensureClosureMethods(); self.trigger('init', properties); initSettings(parent, properties); initElements(); self.buildWidget(); self.attachEvents(); self.trigger('ready'); return self; }; this.isVisible = function() { return elements.widget.is(':visible'); }; this.on = function(eventName, callback) { if ('object' === typeof eventName) { $.each(eventName, function(singleEventName) { self.on(singleEventName, this); }); return self; } var eventNames = eventName.split(' '); eventNames.forEach(function(singleEventName) { if (!events[singleEventName]) { events[singleEventName] = []; } events[singleEventName].push(callback); }); return self; }; this.off = function(eventName, callback) { if (! events[ eventName ]) { return self; } if (! callback) { delete events[eventName]; return self; } var callbackIndex = events[eventName].indexOf(callback); if (-1 !== callbackIndex) { events[eventName].splice(callbackIndex, 1); } return self; }; this.refreshPosition = function() { if (! settings.position.enable) { return; } var position = $.extend({}, settings.position); if (elements[position.of]) { position.of = elements[position.of]; } if (! position.of) { position.of = window; } if (settings.iframe) { fixIframePosition(position); } elements[position.element].position(position); }; this.setID = function(id) { elements.widget.attr('id', id); return self; }; this.setHeaderMessage = function(message) { self.getElements('header').html(message); return self; }; this.setMessage = function(message) { elements.message.html(message); return self; }; this.setSettings = function(key, value) { if (jQuery.isPlainObject(value)) { $.extend(true, settings[key], value); } else { settings[key] = value; } return self; }; this.show = function() { clearTimeout(hideTimeOut); elements.widget.appendTo(elements.container).hide(); callEffect('show', arguments); self.refreshPosition(); if (settings.hide.auto) { hideTimeOut = setTimeout(self.hide, settings.hide.autoDelay); } bindEvents(); if (settings.preventScroll) { self.getElements('body').addClass(settings.classes.preventScroll); } self.trigger('show'); return self; }; this.trigger = function(eventName, params) { var methodName = 'on' + eventName[0].toUpperCase() + eventName.slice(1); if (self[methodName]) { self[methodName](params); } var callbacks = events[eventName]; if (!callbacks) { return; } $.each(callbacks, function(index, callback) { callback.call(self, params); }); return self; }; }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.types = []; // Inheritable widget methods DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.buildWidget = function() { var elements = this.getElements(), settings = this.getSettings(); elements.widget.append(elements.header, elements.message); this.setHeaderMessage(settings.headerMessage); this.setMessage(settings.message); if (this.getSettings('closeButton')) { elements.widget.prepend(elements.closeButton); } }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.attachEvents = function() { var self = this; if (self.getSettings('closeButton')) { self.getElements('closeButton').on('click', function() { self.hide(); }); } }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.getDefaultSettings = function() { return {}; }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.getClosureMethods = function() { return []; }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.onHide = function() { }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.onShow = function() { }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.onInit = function() { }; DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.onReady = function() { }; DialogsManager.widgetsTypes.simple = DialogsManager.Widget; DialogsManager.addWidgetType('buttons', { activeKeyUp: function(event) { var TAB_KEY = 9; if (event.which === TAB_KEY) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.hotKeys[event.which]) { this.hotKeys[event.which](this); } }, activeKeyDown: function(event) { if (!this.focusedButton) { return; } var TAB_KEY = 9; if (event.which === TAB_KEY) { event.preventDefault(); var currentButtonIndex = this.focusedButton.index(), nextButtonIndex; if (event.shiftKey) { nextButtonIndex = currentButtonIndex - 1; if (nextButtonIndex < 0) { nextButtonIndex = this.buttons.length - 1; } } else { nextButtonIndex = currentButtonIndex + 1; if (nextButtonIndex >= this.buttons.length) { nextButtonIndex = 0; } } this.focusedButton = this.buttons[nextButtonIndex].focus(); } }, addButton: function(options) { var self = this, settings = self.getSettings(), buttonSettings = jQuery.extend(settings.button, options); var classes = options.classes ? options.classes + ' ' : ''; classes += settings.classes.globalPrefix + '-button'; var $button = self.addElement(options.name, $('<' + buttonSettings.tag + '>').html(options.text), classes); self.buttons.push($button); var buttonFn = function() { if (settings.hide.onButtonClick) { self.hide(); } if ($.isFunction(options.callback)) { options.callback.call(this, self); } }; $button.on('click', buttonFn); if (options.hotKey) { this.hotKeys[options.hotKey] = buttonFn; } this.getElements('buttonsWrapper').append($button); if (options.focus) { this.focusedButton = $button; } return self; }, bindHotKeys: function() { this.getElements('window').on({ keyup: this.activeKeyUp, keydown: this.activeKeyDown }); }, buildWidget: function() { DialogsManager.Widget.prototype.buildWidget.apply(this, arguments); var $buttonsWrapper = this.addElement('buttonsWrapper'); this.getElements('widget').append($buttonsWrapper); }, getClosureMethods: function() { return [ 'activeKeyUp', 'activeKeyDown' ]; }, getDefaultSettings: function() { return { hide: { onButtonClick: true }, button: { tag: 'button' } }; }, onHide: function() { this.unbindHotKeys(); }, onInit: function() { this.buttons = []; this.hotKeys = {}; this.focusedButton = null; }, onShow: function() { this.bindHotKeys(); if (!this.focusedButton) { this.focusedButton = this.buttons[0]; } if (this.focusedButton) { this.focusedButton.focus(); } }, unbindHotKeys: function() { this.getElements('window').off({ keyup: this.activeKeyUp, keydown: this.activeKeyDown }); } }); DialogsManager.addWidgetType('lightbox', DialogsManager.getWidgetType('buttons').extend('lightbox', { getDefaultSettings: function() { var settings = DialogsManager.getWidgetType('buttons').prototype.getDefaultSettings.apply(this, arguments); return $.extend(true, settings, { contentWidth: 'auto', contentHeight: 'auto', position: { element: 'widgetContent', of: 'widget', autoRefresh: true } }); }, buildWidget: function() { DialogsManager.getWidgetType('buttons').prototype.buildWidget.apply(this, arguments); var $widgetContent = this.addElement('widgetContent'), elements = this.getElements(); $widgetContent.append(elements.header, elements.message, elements.buttonsWrapper); elements.widget.html($widgetContent); if (elements.closeButton) { $widgetContent.prepend(elements.closeButton); } }, onReady: function() { var elements = this.getElements(), settings = this.getSettings(); if ('auto' !== settings.contentWidth) { elements.message.width(settings.contentWidth); } if ('auto' !== settings.contentHeight) { elements.message.height(settings.contentHeight); } } })); DialogsManager.addWidgetType('confirm', DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').extend('confirm', { onReady: function() { DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').prototype.onReady.apply(this, arguments); var strings = this.getSettings('strings'), isDefaultCancel = this.getSettings('defaultOption') === 'cancel'; this.addButton({ name: 'cancel', text: strings.cancel, callback: function(widget) { widget.trigger('cancel'); }, focus: isDefaultCancel }); this.addButton({ name: 'ok', text: strings.confirm, callback: function(widget) { widget.trigger('confirm'); }, focus: !isDefaultCancel }); }, getDefaultSettings: function() { var settings = DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').prototype.getDefaultSettings.apply(this, arguments); settings.strings = { confirm: 'OK', cancel: 'Cancel' }; settings.defaultOption = 'cancel'; return settings; } })); DialogsManager.addWidgetType('alert', DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').extend('alert', { onReady: function() { DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').prototype.onReady.apply(this, arguments); var strings = this.getSettings('strings'); this.addButton({ name: 'ok', text: strings.confirm, callback: function(widget) { widget.trigger('confirm'); } }); }, getDefaultSettings: function() { var settings = DialogsManager.getWidgetType('lightbox').prototype.getDefaultSettings.apply(this, arguments); settings.strings = { confirm: 'OK' }; return settings; } })); // Exporting the DialogsManager variable to global global.DialogsManager = DialogsManager; })( typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ? jQuery : typeof require === 'function' && require('jquery'), (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') ? module.exports : window );{"id":477,"date":"2025-01-21T17:24:27","date_gmt":"2025-01-21T17:24:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/fundflippers.com\/?p=477"},"modified":"2025-01-22T05:06:23","modified_gmt":"2025-01-22T05:06:23","slug":"ensuring-security-while-making-a-deposit-at-online-casinos-in-australia","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/fundflippers.com\/ensuring-security-while-making-a-deposit-at-online-casinos-in-australia\/","title":{"rendered":"Ensuring Security While Making a Deposit at Online Casinos in Australia"},"content":{"rendered":"


Ensuring Security While Making a Deposit at Online Casinos in Australia<\/h1>\n

In the ever-evolving world of online casinos, ensuring the security of your financial transactions is a top priority, particularly for players in Australia. With the rise of cyber threats and fraud, safeguarding your deposits has never been more crucial. This article delves into the various security measures and strategies you can employ to ensure safe deposits in online casinos, allowing you to enjoy gaming with peace of mind.<\/p>\n

Understanding Online Casino Regulations in Australia<\/h2>\n

Before diving into the specifics of secure deposits, it’s essential to grasp the regulatory landscape of online casinos in Australia. The Interactive Gambling Act 2001 plays a pivotal role in regulating online gambling activities, ensuring operators meet the necessary legal standards to protect players. These regulations are designed to prevent money laundering, fraud, and to protect players from dishonest platforms.<\/p>\n

When choosing an online casino, verify its licensing through credible authorities like the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). This helps ensure that the casino operates under strict compliance with Australian laws, providing a layer of security for your deposits.<\/p>\n

Utilizing Secure Payment Methods<\/h2>\n

One of the most effective ways to enhance security is by selecting secure payment methods. Online casinos offer a variety of options, including credit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. It’s crucial to choose methods known for their robust security protocols.<\/p>\n